Effects which reference traits
Beginning with BOOSTER XROS ENCOUNTER [BT10] there are new card effects which can now reference multiple possible traits under one new phrase. These effects search for a specific word across all traits a card possesses. e.g. "with [EXAMPLE] in one of its traits" or "with [EXAMPLE] in one of their traits".
Cards which search for these traits |
BT10-046 Palmon |
BT10-048 Sunflowmon |
BT10-053 Ajatarmon |
BT10-056 Lotosmon |
BT10-057 Bloomlordmon |
EX3-045 Hydramon |
Traits included: |
[Ancient Plant] |
[Carnivorous Plant] |
[Vegetation] |
Cards which search for these traits |
BT10-048 Sunflowmon |
BT10-053 Ajatarmon |
BT10-056 Lotosmon |
BT10-057 Bloomlordmon |
EX3-045 Hydramon |
Traits included: |
[Fairy] |
[Ancient Fairy] |
Cards which search for these traits |
EX3-003 Sunarizamon |
EX3-006 Flarerizamon |
EX3-009 Volcdramon |
EX3-014 Dorbickmon |
Traits included: |
[Ancient Dragon] |
[Ancient Dragonkin] |
[Ankylosaur] |
[Baby Dragon] |
[Beast Dragon] |
[Bird Dragon] |
[Ceratopsian] |
[Dark Dragon] |
[Dinosaur] |
[Dragonkin] |
[Dragon Warrior] |
[Earth Dragon] |
[Evil Dragon] |
[Fire Dragon] |
[Four Great Dragons] |
[Holy Dragon] |
[Light Dragon] |
[Machine Dragon] |
[Mini Dragon] |
[Mythical Dragon] |
[Plesiosaur] |
[Pterosaur] |
[Rock Dragon] |
[Sea Dragon] |
[Stegosaur] |
[Sky Dragon] |
Cards which search for these traits |
EX3-023 Plesiomon |
EX3-026 Aegisdramon |
Traits included: |
[Ancient Aquabeast] |
[Aquabeast] |
[Aquatic] |
[Sea Animal] |
Cards which search for these traits |
EX3-028 Patamon |
EX3-030 Gatomon |
Traits included: |
[Angel] |
[Archangel] |
[Authority] |
[Cherub] |
[Fallen Angel] |
[Mini Angel] |
[Seraph] |
[Throne] |
[Virtue] |
Cards which search for these traits |
BT11-016 Phoenixmon |
BT11-089 Akiho Rindou |
Traits included: |
[Ancient Bird] |
[Ancient Birdkin] |
[Avian] |
[Bird] |
[Bird Dragon] |
[Birdkin] |
[Giant Bird] |
[Holy Bird] |
[Mini Bird] |
[Mysterious Bird] |
Cards which search for these traits |
BT11-016 Phoenixmon |
BT11-089 Akiho Rindou |
Traits included: |
[Ancient Animal] |
[Ancient Aquabeast] |
[Ancient Mythical Beast] |
[Aquabeast] |
[Beast] |
[Beast Dragon] |
[Beast Knight] |
[Beastkin] |
[Dark Animal] |
[Four Sovereigns] |
[Holy Beast] |
[Mysterious Beast] |
[Mythical Beast] |
[Rare Animal] |
[Sea Beast] |
Cards which search for these traits |
BT11-102 High Mega Blaster |
Traits included: |
[Insectoid] |
[Ancient Insectoid] |
Cards which search for these traits |
BT11-087 Lilithmon |
Traits included: |
[Bagra Army] |