Blast Ace (BT14)
Pre-Release Tournament

Join fellow Tamers at a participating store near you in welcoming the new booster pack Blast Ace (BT14) with a Pre-release Tournament! Be among the first to get you hands on the new booster pack and win tournament prizes!
Please check and respect any event restrictions that the local government or host store may have to protect the health and safety of everyone involved.


November 10 – 16, 2023

Purchase Bonus

Prize List

 Participation Prize: 
Participation Card - Gatomon x1

Blast Ace Pre-Release Pack x1

  • Pre-release Stamped cards are from Blast Ace Uncommon and Rare cards.

 Winner Prize:  
Winner Card - Greymon (X Antibody) (Silver Foil) x1

  • Note for Stores: 1 Kit = Prizes for up to 8 players

How to apply for events

  • All regions are available on TCG+.
  • Players are required to apply on TCG+ prior to the event.
  • Search event > Keyword “DIGIMON CARD GAME BT14 Pre-Release Tournament”. Please make sure “Digimon” is selected at the top of the app.

Player Application Period

Starts: October 27, 2023

Please be aware that there may be date changes for the upcoming Pre-release event period.
Please be sure to confirm event dates with your local store.

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