Exceed Apocalypse [BT15]
Pre-Release Tournament

Join fellow Tamers at a participating store near you in welcoming the new booster pack Exceed Apocalypse [BT15] with a Pre-release Tournament! Be among the first to get your hands on the new booster pack and win tournament prizes!
February 9 – 15, 2024
Purchase Bonus

Prize List
Participation Prize:
Participation Card x1

Exceed Apocalypse Pre-Release Pack x1

- Pre-release Stamped cards are from Exceed Apocalypse Uncommon and Rare cards.
Winner Prize:
Winner Card - Shoutmon x1

- Note for Stores: 1 Kit = Prizes for up to 8 players
How to apply for events
- All regions are available on TCG+.
- Players are required to apply on TCG+ prior to the event.
- Search event > Keyword “DIGIMON CARD GAME BT15 Pre-Release Tournament”. Please make sure “Digimon” is selected at the top of the app.
Player Application Period
Starts: January 26, 2024
Please be aware that there may be date changes for the upcoming Pre-release event period.
Please be sure to confirm event dates with your local store.
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