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- 522016 BT13-099 Spencer Damon
- Q1
- Does "If the total cards in both players' security stacks is 6 or less" mean 6 or less cards in either me or my opponent's security stacks?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- No, it means if the total sum of cards in your security stack and the cards in your opponent's security stack is 6 or less.
- 522013 BT11-055 MetalTyrannomon
- Q1
- If I use this card’s effect when I have 2 green or black Tamer cards, do 2 of my opponent's Digimon suspend and then can't unsuspend during my opponent's next unsuspend phase?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- No, for each green or black Tamer you have in play, this effect suspends 1 of your opponent's Digimon, but only 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon can't unsuspend during your opponent's next unsuspend phase.
You can choose from your opponent's already suspended Digimon for the target Digimon in addition to the Digimon suspended by this card’s effect.
- 522013 BT11-062 Agumon (X Antibody)
- Q2
- If both a Digimon card with [Greymon] or [X Antibody] in its name and a black Tamer are among the cards revealed, can I choose to only add one of them to my hand, and place the remaining cards at the bottom of my deck using this effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No. This card's effect reads “Add 1 card [...] and 1 black Tamer card among them to your hand,” so you must add as many cards to your hand as possible.
- 522013 BT11-076 Ignitemon
- Q1
- If a Digimon card with DigiXros requirements is played by an effect and this card is placed in the digivolution cards by a DigiXros, does this card's inherited effect activate when a Digimon card with this card in its digivolution cards is played by an effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- Yes, it activates.
- 522001 BT1-058 Chirinmon
- Q1
- I attack with this card, and gain 3 memory from the card's attack effect. If this Digimon is deleted as a result of the attack, do I still lose 3 memory at end of turn?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- Yes, the effect has already activated, so you lose 3 memory at end of turn.
- Q2
- I attack with this card, and gain 3 memory from the card's attack effect. If I then announce that I'm passing, how much memory do I lose?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- Announcing the pass moves the memory counter to 3 on your opponent's side. Since it's the end of the turn, you then lose an additional 3 memory, moving the memory counter to 6 on your opponent's side.
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