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522019 EX5-019 Antylamon
Do "when your (or your opponent's) Digimon is played" effects activate for Digimon played into the breeding area by this card's effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, they don't activate.
Cards in the breeding area can't be referenced unless specified otherwise by effect text.
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522018 BT14-065 Vademon
If my opponent reveals 3 Digimon cards from their deck by this card's effect, does it <De-Digivolve 3> 1 of my opponent's Digimon?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No. <De-Digivolve 1> activates 3 times, not <De-Digivolve 3>.
The difference is that <De-Digivolve 3> allows you to trash 1 to 3 cards, but <De-Digivolve 1> trashes 1 card three times, meaning that you always trash 3 cards (or until there are no more digivolution cards or until the Digimon is reduced to level 3).
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522010 BT9-008 Agumon (X Antibody)
This card’s effect reveals 3 cards. If the cards revealed only include either a card with [Greymon] or [Omnimon] in its name or [X Antibody], do I still add a card to my hand?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, as long as either a card with [Greymon] or [Omnimon] in its name or [X Antibody] is among the cards revealed, you add it to your hand.
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522008 BT8-111 Creepymon
If I have 20 cards in my trash, does this card's [When Attacking] effect trash the top 6 cards of my opponent’s deck and give this Digimon +6000 DP?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes. The effect reads, “For every 10 cards in your trash,” so if you have 20 cards in your trash, you would trash the top 6 cards of your opponent’s deck and get +6000 DP.
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522001 BT1-087 T.K. Takaishi
I have both this card and [ST2-12 Matt Ishida] in play. How do I activate their effects?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
You can resolve their effects in any order. For example, if you're starting the turn at 1 memory, you can resolve this card's effect first to go up to 3 memory, then activate [ST2-12 Matt Ishida]'s effect to go to 4 memory and above.
This card's On Play effect says "Look at your security stack." What does this mean, exactly?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
It allows you to look at all of the cards in your security stack without revealing them to your opponent. You then pick one of those cards, reveal it, and add it to your hand.
What happens if I use this card's On Play effect to add a card from my security stack to my hand that isn't yellow?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Shuffle your deck without triggering <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.
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