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522021 BT16-083 BigUkkomon
Do [On Play] effects activate for Digimon played into the breeding area by this card's [End of Your Turn] effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, they don’t activate.
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522019 EX5-038 Vikaralamon
If a Digimon is moved to the battle area by an effect during the same turn that it was played into the breeding area by this card's effect, can that Digimon attack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it can't.
This card's effect plays a Digimon into the breeding area instead of hatching it. Therefore, the "Digimon can't attack the turn they came into play" rule still applies.
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522003 BT4-013 BurningGreymon
If I use this card's effect to make a tamer card into a digivolution card, is that card affected by effects that say "trash digivolution cards"?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it is. However, if the effect specifies Digimon cards, Digi-Egg cards, or any other type of card that isn't a tamer card, it can't be targeted by that effect.
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522001 BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa
I have both this card and [ST2-12 Matt Ishida] in play. How do I activate their effects?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
You can resolve their effects in any order. For example, if you're starting the turn at 1 memory, you can resolve this card's effect first to go up to 3 memory, then activate [ST2-12 Matt Ishida]'s effect to go to 4 memory and above.
What timing does [Main] occur at?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Like Main effects on Option cards, you can activate these effects at any time during your main phase. However, you can't activate them to interrupt an attack or another effect.
Can I use this card's Main effect if I have a level 5 or higher green Digimon in my Breeding Area?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, Digimon in breeding areas aren't checked by this effect.
Does this card's Start of Your Turn effect activate if it is suspended?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it does. Unless otherwise specified, cards don't lose their effects when suspended.
During my breeding phase, I hatch a level 2 Digimon from my Digi-Egg deck. I then digivolve that Digimon into a level 3 Digimon during my main phase. If I use this card's effect to move that Digimon to my battle area, can I attack with it immediately?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can. Hatching Digimon and moving them to the battle area doesn't count as playing them, so you can attack with them immediately.
522901 P-031 Gatomon
I have this Digimon and 1 purple Digimon in play. My opponent's Digimon attacks, and its [When Attacking] effect deletes my purple Digimon. Can this Digimon now block the attack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it can't.
If your purple Digimon was deleted by a [When Attacking] effect, then this Digimon won't have <Blocker> when reaction timing arrives, and won't be able to activate <Blocker> to block the attack.
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522901 P-089 Amphimon
Can I use <Blast Digivolve> to digivolve my Digimon if I activate this card's [Opponent's Turn] effect and end the attack from an opponent's Digimon?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, you can't.
<Blast Digivolve> is performed at the end of the counter timing. If you activate this card's [Opponent's Turn] effect, the attack will end before you can activate <Blast Digivolve>, therefore it can no longer be activated.
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522901 P-143 Drimogemon
If this Digimon is targeted by an effect such as "1 of your opponent's Digimon gains <Security A. -1>," then this Digimon is moved to the breeding area, what happens to the effect?Jun. 28, 2024 Updated
If this Digimon is targeted by an effect and then moved to the breeding area, it remains targeted by the effect. However, it isn't affected by that effect. If it's moved back to the battle area using an effect such as [BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa]'s effect, it will be affected by that effect again.
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After I activated this Digimon's [End of Your Turn] effect, I used an effect such as [BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa]'s effect to move this Digimon back to the battle area. Can I activate that Digimon's [End of Your Turn] effect again?Jun. 28, 2024 Updated
No, you can't.
Even if a card is moved, once a [Once Per Turn] effect has activated, it can't be activated again.
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