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522020 BT15-037 Gatomon
Does this card's [All Turns] effect activate if this card itself is removed from your security stack when its effect trashes it from the security stack and plays it?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it doesn’t. This card is in the trash upon the timing when a card is removed from your security stack, so the [All Turns] effect doesn't trigger and you don't gain 1 memory.
Does this card's [All Turns] effect activate when this card in my security stack is played into the battle area by an effect that plays a Digimon card from the security stack, such as [BT15-092 Revelation of Light]'s [Main] effect or [ST10-06 Mastemon]'s [When Digivolving] effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it activates. The timing when this card is played into the battle area and the timing when a card is removed from your security stack are the same, so the [All Turns] effect triggers and you gain 1 memory.
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