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522020 BT15-060 Omekamon
What does this card's "while this card is revealed from the deck, its name is also treated as [Omnimon]" mean, exactly?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
This effect means that this card is also treated as a card with [Omnimon] in its name while it's flipped over from the deck by a "reveal this card from the deck" effect.
If the effect is an effect such as "add 1 [Omnimon] from the revealed cards," you can use that effect to add this card to the hand.
What does the "[Agumon]/[Greymon]×[Gabumon]/[Garurumon]" specified in this card's DigiXros requirements mean?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
It means that you can place up to a total of 2 cards consisting of either 1 [Agumon] or [Greymon] and 1 [Gabumon] and [Garurumon] in the digivolution cards for the DigiXros.
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