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522020 BT15-066 Machinedramon
If I use [BT15-052 MetalSeadramon], [BT15-052 Puppetmon], or [BT15-079 Piedmon]'s [End of Opponent’s Turn] effect to play this card from my hand, does this card's [End of Opponent’s Turn] effect activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it doesn’t.
It won't activate because the trigger timing for this card's [End of Opponent’s Turn] effect has already passed when [BT15-052 MetalSeadramon], [BT15-079 Puppetmon], or [BT15-079 Piedmon]'s [End of Opponent’s Turn] effect is used to play this card, so it won't trigger until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Can this card digivolve into a 2-color Digimon that includes white?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it can.
522009 EX2-021 Kyubimon
I have 1 card in my security stack. If I use [BT7-100 Qualialise Blast], can I activate this card’s inherited effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes. When you use [BT7-100 Qualialise Blast]’s effect, it changes the cost paid to the number of cards in your security stack, but doesn't change the cost of the card itself. As such, the game considers you to have used an Option card with a cost of 5, allowing you to activate this card’s inherited effect.
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522009 EX2-038 Justimon Blitz Arm
Does this card’s [When Attacking] effect still activate even if I have no Tamers in play?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No. If you have no Tamers in play, the effect doesn't activate.
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522009 EX2-070 Super Digivolution Plug-In S
Can I ignore digivolution requirements when digivolving by the effect of this card, as long as the cost is 3 or less?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, this card's effect does not allow ignoring digivolution requirements, so you can't ignore digivolution requirements unless some other effect that permits you to do so.
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