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522020 BT15-081 Leviamon (X Antibody)
When an effect plays an opponent's Digimon into the breeding area, does this card's [All Turns] effect activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it doesn't activate.
Does this card's [All Turns] effect also activate when one of my effects plays an opponent's Digimon/Tamer?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it activates.
Can I use this card's [When Digivolving] effect to delete just 1 of my opponent's Digimon if my opponent has level 3, level 5, and level 7 Digimon?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, you can't. You must delete as many as possible.
When this card was in the trash, my [Leviamon] attacked a player, and a Digimon or Tamer was played by a [Security] effect upon the security check.
In such cases, can I use this card's [Trash] [All Turns] effect to digivolve the attacking [Leviamon] into this card?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
My [EX5-063 Leviamon] with <Security A. +1> attacked a player, and a Digimon or Tamer was played by a [Security] effect upon the 2nd security check. This caused the [EX5-063 Leviamon] to digivolve into this card from the trash.
This card has <Security A. +2>, but does it get 2 additional security checks?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it only gets 1 additional security check.
[EX5-063 Leviamon]'s <Security A. +1> is lost upon the digivolution but it gains <Security A. +2>, so the total possible security checks will be 3.
In the situation from your question, you have already performed 2 security checks, so you have 1 security check remaining.
I have this card and [Leviamon] in my trash, then my [EX5-069 Biting Crush was placed in the battle area.
If my opponent's Digimon is played by an effect at this time, this card and [EX5-069 Biting Crush] will trigger simultaneously, but can I activate [EX5-069 Biting Crush]'s effect first to play [Leviamon] from my trash and then use the effect to digivolve that [Leviamon] into this card?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
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