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522016 BT13-004 Budmon
"While my opponent has no suspended Digimon, I attack with a Digimon that has this card in its digivolution cards, then my opponent's Digimon blocks and suspends.
Does this card's inherited effect activate upon the battle with the opponent's Digimon that blocked?"Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it does.
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522014 BT12-092 Marcus Damon
When the [Start of Your Main Phase] effect has this card also be treated as a Digimon and then this Digimon is placed in another Digimon's digivolution cards by a "place 1 Digimon as another Digimon's digivolution card" effect, is this card treated as "a Digimon card in digivolution cards" during that turn?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it's not.
This card's effect has the Tamer be treated as a Digimon. As soon as it is placed in another Digimon's digivolution cards, it is treated as just a Tamer card and any activated effects are lost.
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522014 BT12-110 Seventh Full Cluster
When exactly is the timing for "[Trash] [Your Turn]"? Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
When this card is in your trash, the effect can activate when one of your Digimon digivolves into [Beelzemon (X Antibody)].
[Trash] means that the card needs to be in your trash for the effect to activate.
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522001 BT3-103 Hidden Potential Discovered!
Can I digivolve from a Digimon that was suspended by this card's effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
During the same turn I used this card, I digivolve a non-green Digimon into a green Digimon. Can I use this card's effect to reduce the digivolution cost?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, this card's effect only applies when digivolving a Digimon that's already green.
During the same turn I used this card, I digivolve a green Digimon into a non-green Digimon. Can I use this card's effect to reduce the digivolution cost?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can. As long as you're digivolving from a green Digimon, the effect applies.
After using this card, can I reduce the digivolution cost of my green Digimon digivolving by suspending 1 of my Digimon when an effect to digivolve one of my Digimon is activated?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
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