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- 522014 BT12-047 Wormmon
- Q2
- If the 3 cards revealed by this card's effect include both a Digimon card with [Imperialdramon] in its name or the [Free] trait, and a Tamer card with [Ken Ichijoji] in its name among them, can I choose to only add one of them to my hand and return the others to the bottom of my deck?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No. This card's effect reads “Add 1 card [...] and 1 card [...] among them to your hand,” so you must add as many cards to your hand as possible.
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- 522010 BT9-090 Maki Himekawa
- Q2
- If a black Digimon with an effect such as "this Digimon is also treated as red" that treats it as a different color is among the cards revealed for this card's effect, can I add that card to my hand?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No. Effects don't activate for cards revealed from your deck.
Related Cards
- 522009 EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper
- Q1
- Does this card go in my deck, or my Digi-Egg deck?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- This card is a Digi-Egg card, so it goes in your Digi-Egg deck.
- Q2
- When I hatch this card during my breeding phase, do I place it in my breeding area, or my battle area?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- It’s placed in your breeding area as a level-less Digimon.
- Q3
- This card doesn't have a level. Can I still digivolve it into other cards?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A3
- No. Cards that don't have levels can't be digivolved from. (Other than through special digivolutions.)
- Q4
- If this card is in my breeding area, how do I move it to my battle area?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A4
- It can be moved from your breeding area to your battle area like any other Digimon.
Level 2 Digimon don't have DP, and therefore can't be moved to your battle area. This card has DP, which means it can be moved to your battle area without digivolving it.
- Q5
- If this card is in my breeding area, can I activate its [Main] effect to place my [ADR-02 Searcher] in its digivolution cards?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A5
- No, you can’t activate effects in the breeding area.
- Q6
- If this card is in my battle area, can it be attacked by my opponent’s Digimon with an effect that reads “This Digimon can also attack unsuspended Digimon”?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A6
- Yes, it can.
“This Digimon can also attack unsuspended Digimon” is an effect that only affects the Digimon that has it, so this card's “This Digimon [...] isn't affected by your opponent’s effects” effect can’t be used to prevent the attack.
- Q7
- This card is in my battle area. If an opponent’s Digimon attacks it, and this card’s DP is less than or equal to the opponent’s Digimon, is this card deleted?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A7
- Yes, this card can be deleted as a result of battle.
- Q8
- Is this Digimon affected by effects like “Delete 1 of your Digimon,” or “Suspend 1 of your Digimon” that I activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A8
- Yes, this card is affected by effects you activate.
- Q9
- If this card is in my battle area, can my own effects delete it or move it to my hand/deck/security stack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A9
- Yes, you can.
However, since this card is a Digi-Egg card, note that if this card would be moved to your hand, deck, or security stack, it’s instead placed at the bottom of your Digi-Egg deck face down.
- Q10
- If I play two cards with [D-Reaper] in their traits, can I choose not to activate this card’s [Your Turn] effect for the first card, and activate it for the second?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A10
- Yes, you can.
- Q11
- My opponent has [BT8-071 Psychemon] in play. Can this Digimon’s [Your Turn] effect still reduce the play cost of cards with [D-Reaper] in their traits when I would play them?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A11
- No. [BT8-071 Psychemon]’s effect doesn’t target Digimon themselves, so you can’t activate this card's effect to reduce the play cost of cards.
Related Cards -
- Q12
- If I use [BT4-105 Tactical Retreat!] on this card, can I place it on top of my security stack face down?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A12
- No. This card is a Digi-Egg card, so if it would be moved to your security stack, it’s instead placed at the bottom of your Digi-Egg deck face down.
- Q13
- Can I specify my opponent’s [EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper] as the target of an effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A13
- Yes, you can.
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- Q14
- If an effect that targets multiple Digimon is also targeting my opponent's [EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper], is the effect canceled, preventing it from affecting the other targeted Digimon?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A14
- No. It’s only this Digimon that isn't affected. The other Digimon will be affected as normal.
- Q15
- I have an [ADR-02 Searcher] with 1 or more digivolution cards in play. If I place it in this Digimon's digivolution cards with this card's [Main] effect, do I also get to place [ADR-02 Searcher]’s digivolution cards under it as well?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A15
- No. You will only place the topmost [ADR-02 Searcher] in this Digimon’s digivolution cards. All of [ADR-02 Searcher]’s digivolution cards are trashed.
- Q16
- There are 8 digivolution cards under this card, and [BT9-109 X Antibody] is the bottom card. Does the "you may trash 7 or more digivolution cards from the bottom of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]s to set this Digimon's play cost to 0" effect activate when my [EX2-055 Reaper] is played?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A16
- It can activate in such cases if you declare to trash 8 cards and then trash 7 cards except for [X Antibody].
- 522008 BT8-106 Senbon Dokk?n
- Q1
- Can I choose fewer cards than possible, even if the play costs of the chosen cards add up to less than 15?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- Yes. As long as the total play costs of the chosen cards is less than 15, you can choose as many or as few cards as you like.
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- Q2
- This card's effect reads, "Digimon with a memory cost of 6 or less," but which cost is this referring to?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- The Digimon's play cost.
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- 522001 BT3-090 Mastemon
- Q2
- Do the [Security] effects on cards trashed by this card's [When Digivolving] effect activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No, they don't.
- 522113 ST13-05 Durandamon
- Q1
- If I reveal a Digimon card with the [Legend-Arms] trait and a play cost of 7 or less with this card's [When Attacking] effect, can I choose to not play that card?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- Yes, "You may play" means you can choose to play it or not. If you don't play it, return it to the bottom of the deck with the rest of the cards.
- 522901 P-107 Defense Training
- Q1
- When I use this card's <Delay> effect to digivolve into a card in my hand, can it digivolve regardless of its digivolution requirements?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- No, this card's <Delay> effect does not allow ignoring digivolution requirements, so you can only digivolve into a card that meets the digivolution requirements.
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- 522901 P-108 Wisdom Training
- Q2
- Can I use this card's <Delay> effect to burst digivolve or DNA digivolve into a card in my hand?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No, you can't burst digivolve or DNA digivolve.
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- Q4
- Can I activate this card's <Delay> effect but choose to not digivolve?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A4
- Yes, you can.
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