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- 522021 BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody)
- Q3
- Does the "then" part of this card's [When Digivolving] effect activate even if [Magnamon (X Antibody)] or an [Armor Form] trait card isn't in this Digimon's digivolution cards?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A3
- Yes, it activates.
- 522019 EX5-038 Vikaralamon
- Q6
- Can I use this card's effect to play a Digimon into the breeding area if a "Digimon can't be played by effects" effect has been activated?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A6
- No, you can't.
A "can't be played by effects" effect affects a player when it activates, therefore the act of playing a Digimon itself won't be possible, whether in the breeding area or the battle area.
- 522012 EX3-016 SnowAgumon
- Q1
- I have 2 Digimon in this card's digivolution cards, and my opponent's Digimon digivolves with no digivolution cards. Does the digivolution cost increase by 2?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A1
- Yes, the inherited effect activates for each of the 2 Digimon, so the digivolution cost increases by a total of 2.
- Q2
- 2 of my opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards DNA digivolve when my Digimon has this card in its digivolution cards. Does the digivolution cost increase by 2?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A2
- No, the digivolution cost only increases by 1. This card's inherited effect reads "When an opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards would digivolve," so even in the case of a DNA digivolution where there are 2 of the target opponent's Digimon, the digivolution cost only increases by 1 with this effect because the digivolution only occurs once.
- Q3
- 1 of my opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards and 1 of my opponent's Digimon with digivolution cards DNA digivolves when my Digimon has this card in its digivolution cards. Does the digivolution cost increase by 1?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A3
- Yes, the digivolution cost increases by 1.
- Q4
- My opponent's red Tamer digivolves into a [BT4-011 Agunimon] when my Digimon has this card in its digivolution cards. Does the digivolution cost increase by 1?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A4
- Yes, the digivolution cost increases by 1. [BT4-011 Agunimon]'s effect reads "You may Digivolve this card from your hand onto one of your red Tamers as if the Tamer is a level 3 Digimon," so the Tamer is considered to be a Digimon without digivolution cards, and the digivolution cost increases by 1 due to this card's inherited effect.
- Q5
- My Digimon has this card in its digivolution cards. Does the digivolution cost increase by 1 when my opponent digivolves a red Tamer with cards under it into a [BT4-011 Agunimon]?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A5
- No, it doesn't. [BT4-011 Agunimon]'s effect reads "You may Digivolve this card from your hand onto one of your red Tamers as if the Tamer is a level 3 Digimon," so a Tamer with cards under it is considered to be a Digimon with digivolution cards.
- Q6
- When a Digimon with no digivolution cards digivolves and the digivolution cost increases due to this card's inherited effect, what happens if I can't pay the digivolution cost as a result?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
- A6
- The digivolution fails, and the revealed card to digivolve into is returned to its owner's hand.
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