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522019 EX5-010 Sandiramon
What does this card's "without the same name as the cards in your battle area or trash" mean?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
It refers to a card without the same name as any of the cards among all your Digimon/Tamers in the battle area, Option cards placed by effects, and cards in your trash.
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Does this card's effect also reference whether the card names are the same or not for the digivolution cards under my Digimon in the battle area or cards under my Tamers?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, this effect doesn't reference digivolution cards or cards under a Tamer.
Do [On Play] effects activate for Digimon played into the breeding area by this card's effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, they don’t activate.
If a Digimon is moved to the battle area by an effect during the same turn that it was played into the breeding area by this card's effect, can that Digimon attack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it can't.
This card's effect plays a Digimon into the breeding area instead of hatching it. Therefore, the "Digimon can't attack the turn they came into play" rule still applies.
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Do "when your (or your opponent's) Digimon is played" effects activate for Digimon played into the breeding area by this card's effect?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, they don't activate.
Cards in the breeding area can't be referenced unless specified otherwise by effect text.
Can I use this card's effect to play a Digimon into the breeding area if a "Digimon can't be played by effects" effect has been activated?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, you can't.
A "can't be played by effects" effect affects a player when it activates, therefore the act of playing a Digimon itself won't be possible, whether in the breeding area or the battle area.
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