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522019 EX5-016 Lunamon
What does "by placing the top card of this Digimon [...] as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card" in this card's inherited effect mean, exactly?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
It means that you place the top card of the Digimon with this card in its digivolution cards as the bottom digivolution card.
For example, if you have a level 4 Digimon with just this card in its digivolution cards, you place that level 4 Digimon card under this card. This will turn this Digimon into a level 3 Digimon with the level 4 Digimon card as a digivolution card.
This card's inherited effect placed a stacked card under this Digimon's digivolution cards and increased my memory by 2 when another copy of this card was in this card's digivolution cards.
Can this be repeated to give me infinite memory?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it can't.
A record of activation remains for the inherited effect's [Once Per Turn] even if this card stops being a digivolution card, so it can't be activated twice in the same turn.
Can I use this card's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect to return this Digimon itself to the hand and gain 2 memory?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
Can I use this card's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect to return my [EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper] from the battle area to the hand?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
If your [EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper] is chosen as the target to return to the hand for this card's effect, it will ultimately be placed at the bottom of the Digi-Egg deck instead of the hand according to the rules, but it meets this card's "by returning 1 of your Digimon to the hand" condition. A card isn't actually added to the hand, therefore effects such as "when a card is added to the hand" don't trigger.
Can I use this card's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect to return my token that was played as a Digimon from the battle area to the hand?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
If your token is chosen as the target to return to the hand for this card's effect, it will ultimately be removed from the game instead of being returned to the hand according to the rules, but it meets this card's "by returning 1 of your Digimon to the hand" condition. A card isn't actually added to the hand, therefore effects such as "when a card is added to the hand" don't trigger.
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