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522019 EX5-058 Octomon
When this card's [On Play][When Digivolving] effect plays a [Fujitsumon] Token to my opponent's battle area, which player's Digimon does it become?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
It will be treated as the opponent's Digimon. You can choose appropriate targets for this effect, such as the target of attack for your Digimon, or target your opponent's Digimon.
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If there are 4 or more total Digimon including the [Fujitsumon] Token played when using this card's [On Play][When Digivolving] effect, can you play it to your battle area?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No. You can only play the token in your battle area if there are currently 4 or more Digimon in the battle areas without including the token.
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[Fujitsumon] Tokens have an [On Deletion] effect, but because tokens are removed from the game when deleted instead of being placed in the trash, does this mean that the effect doesn't activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Tokens aren't sent to the trash when deleted, but [On Deletion] effects on tokens will activate as if the token was a Digimon.
Does this card's inherited effect also trigger when one of my effects plays an opponent's Digimon?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, it does.
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