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522017 RB1-009 Canoweissmon
Does this card's "This card in your hand can digivolve onto one of your [Gammamon] that has a digivolution card with [Gammamon] in its name for a digivolution cost of 3, ignoring this card's digivolution requirements" mean that it can also digivolve from cards that have [Gammamon] in their names such as [BetelGammamon], [KausGammamon], [WezenGammamon], or [GulusGammamon]?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, it can't.
This effect can only be used to digivolve from a Digimon whose card name is [Gammamon] and also has a digivolution card with [Gammamon] in its name.
Note that digivolutions from cards with non-[Gammamon] card names are possible using digivolution requirements or this card's special digivolution requirements.
When digivolving into this card, do the [When Digivolving] effects on digivolution cards with [Gammamon] in their names activate?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, they activate.
This card's ""This Digimon gains all effects of cards with [Gammamon] in their names in this Digimon's digivolution cards"" effect is an [All Turns] effect, so it will activate as soon as the digivolution is confirmed. Therefore, [When Digivolving] effects are gained and will trigger.
I digivolve a Digimon with [Gammamon] in its name and a [When Digivolving] <Blitz> effect into this card. Can I activate the [When Digivolving] <Blitz> effect through this card's [All Turns] effect and attack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, if the memory gauge is now at 1 or greater on your opponent's side, you can activate <Blitz> .
Can I digivolve one of my [Gammamon] with a digivolution card with [Gammamon] in its name in the battle area into this card in the hand when an effect to digivolve one of my Digimon is activated?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
Does this card's [All Turns] effect and inherited effect allow me to activate the inherited effect of a digivolution card with [Gammamon] in its name as an effect of this card?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, this card's [All Turns] effect and inherited effect don't affect the inherited effects of digivolution cards with [Gammamon] in their names.
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