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522017 RB1-034 Ruli Tsukiyono
I used this card's [End of Your Turn] effect to unsuspend my [RB1-025 Diarbbitmon] while it was suspended.
In such cases, can I use [RB1-025 Diarbbitmon]'s [End of Your Turn] effect to attack?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
Yes, you can.
At the end of your turn, this card and [RB1-025 Diarbbitmon]'s effects trigger at the same time, so you can attack if you first activate this card's effect and then unsuspend [RB1-025 Diarbbitmon].
522007 BT7-085 Takuya Kanbara
If I only have 4 cards in my trash with [Hybrid] in their traits, can I activate this card's [Main] effect to place 4 cards from my trash under this Tamer without digivolving?Mar. 28, 2024 Updated
No, you can’t.
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