Starter DecksDIGIMON CARD GAME RagnaLoardmon [ST-13]
- ©Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation
- Products are under development and the images on this website may differ from the actual product.
- Product specifications are subject to change.
- Release date
- October 14, 2022
- 1 deck
- MSRP: 15.99 USD
- Card types
- 16 types
- Rarity
- Common: 6 types
- Uncommon: 5 types
- Rare: 3 types
- Super Rare: 2 types
- Reprint Tamer card: 6 types
- Contents
- Starter Deck (1 set of 54 cards)
- 2 memory gauges
- 1 Index Card
- 6 Bonus Tamer Cards
- This product is a pre-built deck and the contents of the deck are the same for all boxes.
- This product contains multiple identical cards because of the characteristics of the product.
- Release date may vary by region.
- Price is a reference point intended for North America.Actual price may vary by region
This Starter Deck comes
with 6 Reprint Tamer cards as a bonus!
Download the Playsheet!
The playsheet that came with the Japanese Starter Deck is now available for download!
Click here to download!