- ©Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation
- Products are under development and the images on this website may differ from the actual product.
- Product specifications are subject to change.
Card List
- Release date
Europe/Oceania/Latin America: May 13, 2022
North America: May 27, 2022
- 1 deck
- MSRP: 12.99 USD
- Card types
- 16 types
- Rarity
- Common: 5 types
- Uncommon: 5 types
- Rare: 4 types
- Super Rare: 2 types
- Contents
- Starter Deck (1 set of 54 cards)
- 2 memory gauges
- This product is a pre-built deck and the contents of the deck are the same for all boxes.
- This product contains multiple identical cards because of the characteristics of the product.
- Release date may vary by region.
- Price is a reference point intended for North America.Actual price may vary by region
- Full product shipments for may not be delivered to all stores by the above release date, and may be delayed in some stores.
Download the Playsheet!
The playsheet that came with the Japanese Starter Deck is now available for download!
Click here to download!