Beelzemon [ST14]
- ©Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation
- Products are under development and the images on this website may differ from the actual product.
- Product specifications are subject to change.
- Release date
- March 24, 2023
- 1 deck
- MSRP: 29.99 USD
- Card types
- 16+9 types
- Rarity
- Common: 4 types,
Uncommon: 4 types,
Rare: 3 types,
Super Rare: 4 type,
Promotion: 1 type,
Special reprint cards :9type
- Contents
- ・1 Advanced Deck (54 cards)
- ・9 type special reprint cards (10 cards)
- ・60 card sleeves
- ・2 Special Memory Gauge
- ・1 special playmat
- ・3 Indices
- *This product contains multiple identical cards because of the characteristics of the product.
- *Prices are manufacturer's suggested retail prices.
- *Release date may vary by region.
- *Price is a reference point intended for North America. Actual price may vary by region
Questionnaire for player who got
“ADVANCED DECK SET -Beelzemon- [ST14]”. After completion of the questionnaire, you can download play sheet.